I went to this show on a thrifty whim, with the usual mixture of excitement and premature regret that comes with seeing free things. But, my darling readers, you can scratch the latter and amp up the former, because after seeing these promising three, regret was the last thing on my mind. While these guys won’t change your life, they are witty and engaging chaps who won’t let you go long without laughing. I have paid good money for fringe comedy much worse than this.Stand-up is the order of the day - and with only twenty minutes each, it’s key for Steve Bugeja, Red Redmond and Eddie O'Dwyer to keep their material tight and sparkling. However, my favourite aspect of the show was that all three were willing to abandon their prepared routines to engage at length with their audience. This speaks volumes for their skills as stand-ups. Bearing in mind that five minutes taking the piss out of us is a quarter of their set gone, it shows a lot of confidence - frankly a level I’m not used to from student comedians.Student, admittedly, is a watch-word for this show - these guys work best with a younger crowd, which, conveniently, is exactly what their entrance price is likely to get them. But their routines on growing up and being at university are nothing to be ashamed of; they’re taking what they know and giving it sparkle and jest, which is exactly what comedians are supposed to do.Sometimes the trio slip into uninventive Michael McIntyre observational cadences; and “where are you from and what do you do?” obviousness for audience members occasionally taints their spontaneity. But since this show demands nothing from you except your attention, only the churlish will really object very much to this, and the churlish have no place at a comedy gig in the first place.So don’t be a churl, give them a whirl.