"Welcome to our uproarious stand-up comedy game show, where talented comedians engage in a playful duel using their childhood traumas as ammunition. You, the esteemed audience, hold the power to determine which comedian had the most hilariously challenging upbringing. The competition unfolds over three exhilarating rounds:Round 1:Prepare for a whirlwind of anecdotes from across the globe, as each comedian delivers a five-minute stand-up set recounting their family and childhood misadventures. From flunking medical exams in India to comical baguette beatings in France, these tales promise to leave you in stitches.Round 2:Our comedians face off in 1v1 improvised "family fight" scenes, drawing from provided scenarios containing a location and subject. Your votes will determine which contestants advance to the final round.Round 3:Witness an epic "Excuses Battle," as comedians think on their feet to devise the most inventive justifications for scenarios like, "Why didn't you take the trash out?" or "Why do you listen to Ariana Grande so much?"Join us for a night filled with laughter and camaraderie, as we celebrate the resilience and wit of these spirited performers."