Welcome to the stand-up comedy game show where comedians will battle against each other using their childhood trauma. You, the audience, will decide which comedian had the worst parents. The game is structured in three rounds:Round 1Each comedian will do a five-minute stand-up set about their family and childhood misadventures so be prepared to witness stories from all around the world, ranging from failing a medical exam in India to being beaten with a baguette in France. Round 2There will be prepared scenarios containing "a location" and "a subject" and our comedians will have to improvise a "family fight " (argue) scene based on the notes. The battles will be 1v1 and you will decide who goes in the last roundRound 3The comedians will play an "Excuses Battle". There will be prepared scenarios such as "Why didn't you take the trash out?", "Why do you listen so much to Ariana Grande?" and the comedians will have to come up with the most creative excuses.