The Cold War is over, but this time America lost. In a fresh vision of a post-apocalyptic USA, this exciting new production follows the lives and struggles of a group of teenagers trying to get through the difficulties of living after the fallout in the totalitarian society of Radiation Springs. This excitingly angst-driven production really showcases the characters’ frustrations both at being trapped in 'the crater'. This is harnessed and driven into truly rousing performances from all involved.
With an extremely talented cast and ensemble, what immediately shines through is the incredible vocal talents to be witnessed over the next hour and a half. Solo vocal performances from Sarah Folwell, playing the role of Hope, are a joy to listen to, her voice soaring through the venue with a beautiful tone and power that is often hard to find. Edward Leigh also dazzles with his well-suited vocal style, fitting perfectly with the angst-infused style of the music.
The ensemble give fantastic vocal support throughout the show, creating vast vocal harmonies which pack a punch when belted at certain points, and lowering to soothing ebb when necessary. This all makes for a fantastic mood and atmosphere throughout the production.
The acting in the show (helped by some great writing) is skilled and energetic, which gives the whole thing a great sense of excitement and desire. Stuart Crowther’s performance as Freddy is in turns anarchic and gentle, with the comic relief of his character being played up to perfectly. With the twists and turns of the narrative, every character discovers shocking revelations about themselves and their peers. The hugely emotive climax of the performance is both captivating and moving, the ensemble skillfully and energetically closing the show. With a multi-talented cast, great music and a highly original storyline this is a new musical which will surely become a favourite at the Fringe and beyond.