By no means a groundbreaking slice of comedy, but a relatively tasty one.
Aidan Goatly, Brighton resident, pet shop manager and star of the show, is less stand-up comedian than he is a dad and husband showing a close knit group of friends his latest holiday photos. His voice is as soft as his manner is genial. Over the course of the hour the audience is lulled into a pleasant sense of security as Goatly wanders his way through a selection of ‘80s and ‘90s films, dropping a handful of jokes in around homely anecdotes. It’s the comedic equivalent of a sunday afternoon spent on the sofa, watching a classic John Wayne, looking at Fair Isle sweaters on eBay and deciding what take-away to order.
What the show lacks in edge it makes up for with a well coloured bunch of characters and a solid narrative. The story is essentially one of a son searching for the acceptance of his father. As much as this all sounds a little Hollywood, there is enough self-deprecation and bumbling Englishisms to render the heartwarming conclusion palatable. Add to this some vaguely nerdy film based humour and a couple of amateurish video cutaways and you have 10 Films With My Dad: by no means a groundbreaking slice of comedy, but a relatively tasty one.