Renowned for its comedy, Brighton Fringe is the perfect time to discover brand new talents. Here’s our guide to stand-ups you’d be totally crazy to miss.
Loud, unabashedly honest and kind of weird
John Hastings: Works!, Caroline of Brunswick, 20-25 May
John Hastings is loud, unabashedly honest and kind of weird, but definitely in a good way. Plus it’s free so there’s no excuse.
Sofie Hagen Tells Some Stories and Tries Out Some Jokes, The Blue Man, 8-10 & 15-17 May
Sofie Hagen is a pleasure to watch; self-deprecating but very relatable. Performing at the Blue Man, her stand-up is sure to be thoroughly enjoyable.
Tom Ward: Work In Progress, Junkyard Dogs, 5 & 19 May
Following a hugely successful debut in Edinburgh last year, Tom returns to Brighton. If you’re up for seeing something that’s a little more unusual and off the wall then Tom Ward is the man for you. Plus it’s another free show!
Yuriko Kotani: Work In Progress, The Warren: Studio 3, 7-8 & 14 May
With several awards under her belt, including BBC Radio New Comedy of the Year 2015, Yuriko expertly dissects differences between Japanese and UK culture.
The Alasdair Beckett-King Mysteries, The Caroline of Brunswick, 18-20 May
Alasdair Beckett-King has a very intelligent, humorous way of looking at the world. It is genuine, charismatic comedy.
Louise Reay: Hard Mode, Komedia Studio, 21& 28May
Louise’s playfulness with language, innovative physicality & clowning makes for an engaging performance. Recently won Best Emerging Artist at the Adelaide Fringe.
Ken Cheng: Chinese Comedian, The Quadrant, 3 June
Originally studying maths at Cambridge, Ken dropped out to become a professional poker player. A member of Cambridge Footlights, he directed their international tour, Love Handles. Analytical & logical; not your usual approach to comedy, but excellent nonetheless.
Nicole Henriksen: Techno Glitter Penguins, The Marlborough, 6 & 12 May
Hailing from down under, this is Nicole’s debut at Brighton Fringe although she’s been a stand up since 2011. Expect to be amazed, and also a bit freaked out, at this delightfully absurd, alternative comedy show.
Athena Kugblenu: Reality Check, The Caroline of Brunswick, 6, 13 & 20 May
Who better to guide you through life and help you laugh at the horror than Athena Kugblenu? She returns this year with the excellent Reality Check (read our 2016 review here).
Tez Ilyas: Teztify (WiP), The Warren: Studio 3, 15-17 May
His uncompromising style will leave you full of laughter but also with a lot to think about. Coming hot off his first nationwide tour, this may be one of the last chances you have to see him in a venue of this size.