The winners of our prestigious Bobby Awards at this year's Edinburgh Festival have been announced. Recognising that in a festival of over 4000 shows there will be a lot of five star performances, the Bobby seeks out what we think are the best of the five star productions we've seen. There are no fixed numbers of Bobby Awards, but this year there were only two. Letter to Boddah at C Venues and Taiwan Season: Floating Flowers at Dance Base.
Described by our reviewer as "gritty, chilling drama spiced with a shot of black comedy," Letter to Boddah by Sarah Nelson and performed by Sam Glen and Jordan Reece tells the tale of two guys locked in a disabled toilet at Tesco's contemplating blowing it up.
Taiwan Season: Floating Flowers was nominated for a Bobby by our reviewer Stephanie Green who described it as "an extraordinary piece in its sheer beauty, its piercing emotion, energy and originality."