Buy cheap tickets for Matilda the Musical


Shylock! Shelach! Shakespeare’s looming, incredible, irritated, wounded, evil(?) and only Jewish man in all his works. 

The 'Agent, Stylist and PA Wanted' Show - Free

The 'Agent, Stylist and PA Wanted' Show - Free

Amrik Virk looks like a laugh to be with. 

Nick Pynn

Nick Pynn

Slip into the shadow of the castle. 

Ian Billings: Dumbs Up!

Ian Billings: Dumbs Up!

Ian Billings was one of the writers behind Chucklevision. 

Gasping for Home

Gasping for Home

The American Dream is gleefully constructed and subsequently smashed to pieces in this colourful physical theatre performance which features live music, singing and dancing. 

Dusk Rings a Bell

Dusk Rings a Bell

Dusk Rings a Bell has a glaring and, well, annoying, problem: it thinks it’s far cleverer than it actually is. 

Alternotive A Cappella

Alternotive A Cappella

Walk up and down the Royal Mile and, should your legs not buckle and splinter beneath the glut of flyers somehow in your hand, chances are you walked past two or three a cappella g… 

The Rainbows' End

The Rainbows' End

What kind of child do you own/have you had dumped on you for the Edinburgh Festival? A boy? A girl? Not sure because it’s hard to tell under that fringe it’s got? Perhaps you’ve go… 

Lach's Antihoot

Lach's Antihoot

In the bowels of the Gilded Balloon, in a sticky nightclub still feeling a violent hangover from the late 90s, New York muso-comic Lach curates the finest showcase of the Fringe’s … 

Lloyd Langford: The Cold Hard Facts of Life

Lloyd Langford: The Cold Hard Facts of Life

What did Lloyd Langford want for his birthday? Who knows. 

Shakespeare Bingo: Titus!

Shakespeare Bingo: Titus!

Shakespeare, you say? With bingo? Such subversion excites me. 

Four For Jericho

Four For Jericho


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

The Portobello Youth Theatre is made up of schoolchildren aged 8-13 and it’s great that a youth theatre is allowed the chance to get Fringe theatre experience. 

Buy cheap tickets for Wicked
Buy cheap tickets for Matilda the Musical
Buy cheap tickets for Stiletto