I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from this recital.
Before the show had even started, there was a show.
The pews were almost full; swathes had come out to enjoy the mellow sounds of that beautiful instrument, the cello.
It was chilly in the church.
The Blue Man basement was quiet, and velvety.
I assumed this show would be a pant-wetter.
I’ll try not to crack ‘What the Dickens?’ jokes, but this show left me feeling like a slug on tranquilizers.
Ryan the Lion’s flying pants landed on my head.
A mass of pink and red strode onto the stage.
The bog roll projector screen was novel.
As a Bard-olator, I was keen to see this show.
This is one of the oddest true stories you will ever hear.
Orkestra del Sol are mesmerising.
Members of the audience buzzed in and out of the Bee’s Mouth downstairs theatre.
Contradicting the title, the Devil’s Baroque dance came first.
Chamber Music had a small turn out in beautiful St Nicholas’ Church.
This show is mind-boggling from start to finish.
This trio’s cutesy introduction, complete with Velcro and cardboard cut-out numbers, was charming.