Loo Roll is a comedy sketch show about a woman who’s been left in a giant green bin.
Briony Redman’s solo show revolves around a screenwriter who wants to test out her movie-in-the-making on a fresh audience.
We all saw the coverage of the Egyptian revolution in 2011, but who can say they’ve been in the same room as someone personally involved? Ramy wasn’t just a participant in the …
Starving Artists are back with a compelling show about homosexuality in which Mark Pinkosh shares how being gay has affected his life.
Tripadvisor meets Pokemon Go in this absurd, fantastical tour that proves how liable we are to being led.
Fifty years ago, Roland Barthes told us to forget what we know about an author when reading a text.
The reason to go and see Don’t Wake the Damp is simply for the moment after you’ve walked out, sat down with your pint, and think: ‘There’s no way I could’ve predicted an…
We’ve all been irritated by unfair traffic fines and generic email newsletters.