The show is narrated by a theatre director who is reflecting on his school days in 1970’s Edinburgh.
It’s 1944 and the Red Cross have finally been permitted to visit Terezín, an internment camp for artistic Jews in Czechoslovakia.
With The Onion of Bigotry, A History of Hatred Black Dingo Productions and the Kielty Brothers have created an engaging and largely enjoyable piece of theatre.
With five minutes or so of light-hearted banter at the top the show, Simon Caine successfully had the audience not only relaxed, but ripe with anticipation.
The African Sahara, a wrecked plane, a stranded pilot and a vastness of sand.
For those familiar with the actual Julie Birchill, literary wunderkind and hedonistic hellraiser, the content of Tim Fountain and Mike Bradwell’s play will contain few surprises …