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What I Heard About the World

What I Heard About the World

You may have heard the global population is rising and that the world is less than 30% land, however, this show asks - how much do you really know about the other seven billion peo… 

Villains, Heroes and Adventurers: Whisky Tasting

Villains, Heroes and Adventurers: Whisky Tasting

This is a strange addition to the Fringe programme - and I’m not talking swastika-straddling naked physical theatre or radical juggling Shakespeare revamp. 

Italia 'n' Caledonia

Italia 'n' Caledonia

Here’s a Fringe rarity: a show that’s written, performed by and about the people of Edinburgh. 

Red Noses

Red Noses

A happy-clappy monk spreads the gospel of laughter in Peter Barnes’ Black Death comedy. 

Twelfth Night: Unplugged

Twelfth Night: Unplugged

Featured as part of the American High School Theatre Festival, St. 

Don't Wake Me: The Ballad of Nihal Armstrong with Jaye Griffiths

Don't Wake Me: The Ballad of Nihal Armstrong with Jaye Griffiths

As a result of a complicated birth, journalist Rahila Gupta’s son developed cerebral palsy. 

Under Milk Wood

Under Milk Wood

To begin at the beginning: there’s a bizarre pre-set in this Under Milk Wood in which the cast, dressed in tasselled tie dye and leggings, drift about the stage aimlessly, wafting … 

The Edge of Our Bodies

The Edge of Our Bodies

It’s been a strong festival for one-woman shows and this less talked-about piece by PenKnife Productions certainly makes the cut. 

Voluntary Departure

Voluntary Departure

This one hour play by David Moreland initially appears to tackle euthanasia. 

Eilish O'Carroll: Live Love Laugh

Eilish O'Carroll: Live Love Laugh

‘How’re yez?’ Eilish O’Carroll greets her audience as she steps out to affectionate applause, dressed all in black under her blue sequinned jacket: part theatre luvvie, part salt o… 

The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs Revisited

The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs Revisited

Self-confessed former ‘Apple Fanboy’ and tech enthusiast Michael Daisey has had legal action brought against him by the company after they contested several claims in his notorious… 

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Buy cheap tickets for Boozr
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