Jingan Young is a fascinating writer to follow, as her play Life and Death of a Journalist explores the hardships of journalism amid political turbulence and cultural difference.
Streatham Space Project helped its audience ask questions of themselves during the debut performance of Rage, But Hope.
Above The Stag Theatre yet again provides us with a beautifully handled love story, whilst sensitively exploring societal issues that LGBTQ+ individuals face.
The Tower Theatre Company again displays comedic excellence as they lift Noël Coward’s witty and well-timed words from the page ferociously and successfully in their latest perf…
The Tower Theatre Company seek to outrage and (somewhat) inspire with their recreation of Dead Funny.
Beginning in 1978, aspiring musician Daniel (Dylan Wynford) meets wannabe comedian Greg (Freddie Woodyatt) at an open mic night.
Amy Garner Buchanan and Hayley Ricketson embark upon their second collaboration and create a show that explores what it means to be a woman trying to claim an identity for herself.